Singapore Digital Transformation
Singapore ranks first in the Asian Digital Transformation Index, owing to its well-developed digital infrastructure according to the studies recently.
In fact, Singapore ones of the top Digitalised country in Asia, followed by South Korea, Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Malaysia, China, Thailand, India and Philippines.
Digital transformation is a direction of problem solving with digital technologies. It is a foundational change in how an organization delivers value to its market and clients.
“Digital transformation also marks a radical rethinking of how an organization uses technology, people and processes to fundamentally change business performance.”
Says George Westerman, MIT principal research scientist and author of Leading Digital: Turning Technology Into Business Transformation. Digital transformation, which Westerman says should be led by the CEO, requires cross-departmental collaboration in pairing business-focused philosophies with rapid application development models.
Ready To Take Your Career To The Next Level?
As mentioned, Digital transformations is to seek to accomplish one or more key objectives and explore, create new ways of building strong relations with customers. The digitisation of products or services which involves launching new, enhancing existing or exploring new business models for products or services. Enhancing business analytics and decision science to improve decision making or creatively using technology to improve operational performance. We have experience collaborating closely with clients to help them achieve their business objectives in a variety of ways. Since each transformation is unique, we tailor the following competencies to fit your organisational strengths and needs.
In Singapore, Digital Transformation and Digital workplace is equivalent to the Future@ Work, this national initiative aims to equip Singaporeans with the mindset and basic functional skills to prepare for the future economy.
Digital transformation is indeed benefitting businesses in Singapore. Sixty-seven percent (67%) of the survey respondents think that the investments have already generated value. In fact, digital transformation efforts have led Seventy-eight percent (78%) of firms to alter their business model in some way, the report said.
That being said the Digitalisation time is coming, are you ready to take your career to the next level?